Reader Questionnaire for Darius – Read First

Reader Questionnaire for Darius

Darius - A Vampire Story

If you would be good enough to answer the following questions, I would be happy to send you a free eBook (up to $9.99).  I will need your kindle email so I can forward it to you.   Getting feedback from my books is invaluable to me.

    First Name:

    Your email:

    Did you finish Darius - A Vampire Story? If not, can you tell me honestly what stopped you reading to the end? At what point did you decide the book wasn't for you and why?

    If you liked the book, what was it about the story that hooked you?

    Did you like the characters?

    Darius YesNoOnly at end

    Charlie YesNoOnly at end

    Ciara YesNoOnly sometimes

    Genevieve YesNoOnly at end

    Elizabeth Regan YesNoOnly at end

    Patrick Regan YesNoOnly at end

    This book was not exactly a thriller, but did you find the ending a bit of a surprise?


    Did you find Darius' back story interesting? YesNoSomewhat

    Would you want to know more about Darius & Ciara? YesNo

    How did you experience the Regan family?

    Did you see a full character arc with Darius?


    Did you see a full character arc with Ciara?


    Would you be interested in reading the next book in the series, Repossession of Ciara?


    Were there any plot holes that you remember or noticed in the story?

    Was there anything unresolved in the end of the story for you as the reader?

    I NEED YOUR Kindle email address in order to send you a free eBook. Let me know below the name of the book you would like.

    Please enter your postal address so I can send you the free coffee mug as a little token of my appreciation for you taking the time to offer some feedback on Darius- A Vampire Story

    Kindle Email Address:

    What is the name of the eBook you would like?

    There may be a time lag in the response to this questionnaire, as I send the books myself. Thank you so much for taking the time to offer your feedback. As an author, it is invaluable.