Emergency Supplies & Preparation – Part 1 – Read First Chapter.com

Emergency Supplies & Preparation – Part 1

Everywhere I turn there are economists, political thinkers, ex-military generals all warning about the coming of World War III or some other impending doom.  These don’t seem to be people who are just trying to get internet attention, which makes me worry a little.

As an American, I can’t even envision what a war on our soil would look like.  And whether we have to worry about an outside invasion, or the invasion of fighting age men who have already arrived, many of us — especially woman — may need to baton down the hatches.

Which raises the issues, what does one need to baton down the hatches?


There are rain water supply systems that can be installed alongside your house that cost thousands of dollars and for those of you who have the means, this may be something you want to consider.   This would be done by an expert whose whole business is installing these and it would come with all the labor included.  I don’t have any idea of what something like this would cost, but I do know it’s an option.

A second choice is a garden rain barrel system.  Now, this doesn’t have to be in a garden, but it has to be somewhere in the open where it can catch rainwater.  It can be next to your house or even on a balcony or a cement yard as long as it is able to catch the rain.

This would be too big for a single woman living alone to handle, in my humble opinion.  I’ll cover a system for us next!



In any true emergency, after several days, people will begin to get desperate.  They may begin to roam around looking for these easy-to-spot water barrels with the intention to take them or even take a supply of water for themselves from them.

By using small buckets with a “mosquito netting shower cap” on top, this may be a more stealth way to collect water in not only emergency times, but times of danger.

These buckets can be hidden behind bushes or even placed outside while you are able to watch them a bit.  They won’t look as inviting as the more professional systems above — at least that’s my opinion.

These are also more female-friendly as you can more easily move these buckets.  A 53 gallon system would be impossible for most females to move without the aid of a husband or other male.  It may even be hard for any male to move on his own.

If you get the food grade buckets, you can also put some food in them and you may even feel more comfortable collecting water to drink in them too.  These are easy to pick up in any home store and they can be a life saver in times of emergency.

Besides the buckets and mosquito netting, you will also need to pick up 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch elastic that you can tie around the top to hold the mosquito netting in place.  They sell this in fabric and craft stores, but the home stores may have a reasonable replacement for this.


I’ve lived through enough hurricanes to know that when the electricity and internet is out, people tend to eat snacks more than anything.  However, if the electricity is off for any extended time, you will need to have a stash of food in case there are any emergencies that require you to stay home.

Below is a list of food combinations that will create a “complete protein”.  In my next posting, I’ll cover the basics of canning meat, but if you don’t have canned meat, you can create complete proteins by combining the following foods:

Rice & Beans – Individually, rice and beans lack certain essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein.  Rice is low in lysine but high in methionine.  Beans are high in lysine but low in methionine.
When eaten together, they complement each other. Rice provides the lysine beans lack, and beans provide the methionine rice lacks.
This combination creates a protein source with all nine essential amino acids, making it a “complete protein.

Below are other combinations that work together in the same way:

  • Brown rice with peanuts or almonds.
  • Whole-wheat crackers with sunflower seeds
  • Quinoa with pumpkin seeds
  • Corn and Beans: A classic combo in many cultures, like corn tortillas with beans or succotash (corn and lima beans)
  • Peanuts and Whole-Wheat Bread: A peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread is a complete protein source
  • Soy products: Tofu, tempeh, edamame, and miso are all excellent sources of complete plant-based protein.
  • Certain whole grains: Quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth are all considered complete protein sources on their own.
  • Seeds: Hemp seeds, chia seeds, and nutritional yeast are all good sources of complete protein
  • Eggs: Scrambled eggs with chopped red potatoes or a potato omelet would create a complete protein dish
  • Oatmeal with nuts and seeds
  • Oatmeal and milk or yogurt
  • Oatmeal with Almond milk and sliced banana
  • Oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder and a fruit


In mid-June of 2024, Russia moved a fleet of warships into the waters off Cuba.  The alleged purpose of these warships is to conduct military exercises in the Caribbean Sea.  This move by Russia was seen by some as a show of force amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West due to the war in Ukraine.  PBS News.

These warships reportedly included:

  • A frigate (Dictionary:  “any of various types of modern naval vessels ranging in size from a destroyer escort to a cruiser, frequently armed with guided missiles and used for aircraft carrier escort duty, shore bombardment, and miscellaneous combat functions.”)
  • A nuclear-powered submarine
  • An oil tanker
  • A rescue tug AP News

Let’s hope this is only saber-rattling of some kind and that it will be resolved in some peaceful way.  I live in Florida, and the craziness is getting a little too close for me.  It’s time to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.