Writing Fiction or Memoirs With a Purpose – Read First Chapter.com

Writing Fiction or Memoirs With a Purpose


EWords-Writing-with-a-Purposeveryone writes for a reason.  Knowing why you write is important, especially as a beginner writer.  Writing a book is not hard, but it can be a long process.   If your purpose for writing is clear, this will give you the energy and inspiration to spur you on if and/or when the going gets a little tough.

Are you writing for pleasure?  Are you an avid reader and you want to write the books you never found?  Do you want to write around some social commentary you have a desire to share?  Writing is a form of sharing.  What is it that you want to share?  Your wit?  Maybe Satire? Have you always been told that you’re funny?   Do you have a unique take on society that you think people would like?

I love stories and movies that have a backdrop of Catholicism in them, like The Godfather saga, or The Supranos, or even Ray Donovan.  The Catholicism in these stories felt familiar to me and I believe it gave the story a layer of depth as it tapped into religion and culture which tends to anchor a group or family.  So I write novels that have either a backdrop of Catholicism or a ribbon of Catholic sensibility passing through it.  Of course, I leave out the blasphemy that Hollywood loves to toss in there on occasion!

I also write as part of my legacy.  I began to write in 2018 when I moved to Central Florida, which I considered my pre-retirement.  Now I have retired and I write full time.  I feel that my books will be part of my legacy.  I’m clear on my purpose for writing.


Some people are what I call natural-born writers.  They do have stories bursting out of their hearts and heads.  Often, these people fell in love with reading as children.  Reading was an adventure.  It took them up, up and away.  Some people have always had a desire to author their own stories.  If this sounds like you, you are a natural-born author.

This is usually a sign that you have been given the gift of authoring.  These gifts are Heaven-sent, and predate schooling and other influences in your life.  If this is the case, embracing your fate is probably the next best step to take.



There are trades and arts that seem to fall by the wayside in each generation.  But often, how to do certain things is lost to history.  Do you know how to do something that you feel you need to leave behind?  Do you want to write about how you did something that is now fading from the world?

There are young people who don’t know how to write a check anymore.  They don’t know how to address an envelope for the mail.  Some don’t even read cursive writing anymore.

Listening to a lecture by the learned intellectual and researcher Thomas Sowell, he stated that when Rome fell, the western world lost the art of making bricks.  Then when the western world got back on its feet, they had to import brings from England because the art of making bricks died with the civilization.  Cement was invented in Rome.  They made all of those brick arches — but the art was lost.  What is it that you know how to do that you feel compelled to record for prosperity’s sake?

I’m old enough to remember ‘phone guys’ that worked for Bell South or whatever the phone company was called back then.  These men — they didn’t have phone women back then — would show up with big toolbelts and gaffs or lineworker boots on.  These boots had cleats or little metal spikes in them that was a safety feature.  These men know everything about the phone system.  They would climb the wooden telephone poles and they could fix phones outside on the pole or inside in the houses.  They were familiar with the entire system.   That is one group of technical workers that have fallen away.

Is there something about an art form or a job that you knew that you want to pass on for prosperity sake?  You can write a novel around it and it will serve two purposes:  It will be a way for you to tell the story of your industry or job and you will be documenting how life was at a certain time in history.


Author signing autograph in own book at wooden table on white planks backgroundVery often life dishes out some hard times to some of us.  Did you experience, survive and prosper through some difficult times that you feel compelled to write a memoir about?  You don’t have to have been a famous celebrity or someone with a Moses-like mission.  You may have fell on hard times and you want to share your experience, strength or faith that kept you going.  People love inspirational stories.

Writing a memoir can also be part of your legacy.  Someone three generations down the road may be curious about how the family was back in your times.  By having a published memoir, you can share your perspective on things during the times you lived.

Today people no longer write letters.  Most photos live on phones that may be lost or stolen.  Even photos in the cloud could easily be lost to history without the right username and password.  By writing a memoir, you may be someone who is documenting the present in a way that historians in the future may be very grateful for.


What do you think?  Do any of these reasons resonate with you?  Make your first writing assignment to list the reason or reasons why you choose to write.

Here is a video where I had a few more words to say about finding your reason to write!