extra pages in a book – Read First Chapter.com

What Eleven Extra Pages Are Needed in a Published book?

This book is for beginners who are publishing their first or second novel and they are still a little skittish about what else goes into a book.  I’ll lay it out so you can easily follow the list and be confident that you’re not forgetting anything.  These page suggestions are taken from the publishing industry.  These are the pages that appear in a book published by a publishing house.

Often the pages before a book starts are referred to as “front matter”.  Pages 1 to 6 would be considered Front Matter.  The rest of the pages after the book is inserted are considered Back Matters.

PAGE 1:  A Title page with only the name of the Book.  The font is usually big enough for the title to stand alone.  It is usually centered on the page horizontally and vertically.

Page 2:  Either a blank page or a Books by Page.  If you have other books that are published, you can list them on this page.  The title should be something like “Other Books by AUTHOR NAME”.

Page 3:  A second Title Page, but this one will have the name of the book, and below it the name of the author.  Again, this is in larger font and it is centered vertically and horizontally on the page.

Page 4:  Copyright page.  I am not a lawyer so I can’t give you any information that is legally correct.  However, I can tell you that I cobbled together different verbiage that I found in other author books.  I made it long enough to cover my bases, but not too long.  Below is the verbiage that I used.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2024 by AUTHOR NAME
Forward copyright © 2024 by AUTHOR NAME
Preview of this book copyright © 2024 by AUTHOR NAME
All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use the material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at AUTHOR’S EMAIL.
Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
Then you can put the name of your publishing company, if you have one, otherwise, leave the rest of the page blank.

Page 5:  Table of Contents.  eBooks require links for chapter beginnings and Paperback and Hardcover require page numbers.

Page 6:  (If applicable) Any maps that you may be including in your book.

Page 7:  Next comes your book.

Page 8:  Note to Readers.

Dear Reader:

Thanks for giving your time  to read this story.  I hope you enjoyed it.

As a new fiction author, reviews are very helpful to me. If you enjoyed this novel, I’d be so grateful if you would leave a review on Amazon.com. Here is a direct link:  (Add link to the review for this book).

[In order to create a review link, you will need the ASIN number of your book.  Then swap out your ASIN Number or ISBN number for the X’s in the link below:


I love to hear any feedback about the book and enjoy interacting with my readers, so please feel free to email me at AUTHOR EMAIL

Thanks again!

Page 9:  What’s Next on your Reading List?

Verbiage:  Below is a chapter or two of my next book (or the next book in a series) for you to sample.  I hope you enjoy it.

Then insert up to 9% of the next book.  I keep it under 10% in case you are in Kindle Select.  They allow up to 10%, but I like to keep it on the lower side.

Page 10:  About the Author:  Add a biography of yourself.  Be sure to add a contact email as well as a little personal information.

Page 11:  Acknowledgements:  This page can go here or in the beginning of the book.  You can put it in lieu of “Other Books By Page.”  If you do use the Acknowledgements in the beginning of the book, then you can add the Other Books By Page here at Page 11.