Scrivener Tip – Long and Short Lists of Keyboard Shortcuts – Read First

Scrivener Tip – Long and Short Lists of Keyboard Shortcuts

Long List of Scrivener Keyboard Shortcuts:

I made the four-page list of Scrivener shortcuts into a gif to give you an idea of how many keyboard shortcuts there are.  Why make lists of them?  These came in handy for me because until I made my own theme in Scrivener, I had to strain to see a lot.  The default coloring of Scrivener is so white and bright that it made seeing the gray fonts very hard -- at least on my aging eyes!

We each have our own methods of doing things, and only a few of these shortcuts may become your favorites.  But it will come in handy as you get more and more productive as a writer.  Which will happen.  The one thing Scrivener does is streamline writing and allow you to power focus on your project.

Below is a moving gif to give you an idea of what the list looks like.  I got this information from a website called How to Scrivener.  I don't have to tell you this is only one of the many resources he has for Scrivener users.



I simply copied and pasted them into a Word document and printed it out.  I keep it on my right hand side and one by one, I just chose a new shortcut to focus on that session.  Little by little, they became natural.  I no longer need to refer to the list anymore.


I'm passing this on to new authors as so many other authors passed on their tips and tricks to me.  I hope this helps someone.

In case you don't want to copy and past your own document, you can click below to print out my copy.  Be sure to visit How to Scrivener to see all of the various resources he/she has for Scrivener users.