BLOG – Page 16 – Read First


Writers Tip – Initial Proofreading in Scrivener – Part 1


There are two levels of proofreading.  The first level is proofreading for plot context to make sure the novel is complete.  Before I leave Scrivener, I go over the different chapters and scenes and mark the following beats and make sure that everything is included.

Before I post the checklist, I need to say that I did not invent these ideas below.  I have been listening to videos by other authors for several years now and I have taken copious notes and somewhere along the way I took a little from one author and a little from another.   I think them all for their generosity in sharing their experience and knowhow.

  1. Proofread and make sure you indicate where the following items are
    a. The Hook  - This is the thing or the event that will hook the reader's interest.
    b. The Setup - This includes the setting where the story will take place.  It also includes an introduction to the main protagonist/hero and what his or her wants or needs are in life, so to speak.  This is the starting point of the quest.  (The Quest)
    c. Identify the subplot.  Be clear on how the subplot affects the plot.
    d. Inciting incident - This is the point where the story has it's first twist or turn.  The Hero is pulled into a quest that he starts out not really wanting to go on.  This is going in a different direction than "the setting".
    e. Setback(s):  Depending upon what type of novel you are writing, you will have one or more setbacks that create conflict and drama that move the story forward.  You may want to clearly mark these as well.
    f.  Major setback:  about 75% of the way through the book, the big setback happens when things look like they are not going to work out.
    g. The final battle/The Climax - In high suspense novels, this can be a physical battle for life and death.  In a less dramatic story, this is where the hero has to conquer himself or herself in order to be able to pull off their quest.
    h. All is lost - Right before the Hero gets their second wind and has a breakthrough, they will have a moment of despair where all will seem lost.
    i. The glorious/surprise ending - Hero wins/gets what they want
    j. The aftermath - 99% point of the story - This is where the story wraps up and you see the "new normal" now that the hero has broken through their fears and saved things.
  2.  Check the following about the subplot:
    k. "Subplot Development" - any crisis, suspense, etc.
    l. Any plot twists or pathway turns for the subplot
    m. Point out where subplot reaches high tension
    n. Point out where the subplot is setback or fails, or feels at a standstill
    o. Scene that resolves the whole story
  3. Make a document to check your background and descriptions
    p. Make sure you don't repeat information in multiple places.  Make a separate sheet and record which chapters your descriptions and background info is at.  This way you can make sure you have included everything and also make sure you haven't repeated anything.
    q. For the series books, make sure you include enough background
    for it to be a stand-alone book.


Writers Tip – Keeping Track of Background Info



Reading through the first draft of my first novel, I realized that I had repeated background information up to three times!  I had no idea I was doing this until I was already done writing the draft.  Although Scrivener, which is a software tool for authors, has lots of tips, tricks and gadgets that are designed to help authors in every stage of writing, there was no way to check background info that was designed into the software.

What I learned the hard way was that I cannot trust  my memory on what information I have written into the story.  After my 8th novel, I have now devised a strategy that helps me eliminate that problem and am passing it on.

I make up a separate document inside scrivener where I track this background and descriptive information.  Or if you are old school, you can write a list in pen and paper keeping track of the information as you add it into the book.


Technique 1:  Keep Track of Background and Descriptions As You Write:

The first one is to keep a separate document with a table containing 2 columns.  The left column has a notation regarding the background information or character description.  The right column, I put in what chapter I have that information in.


Background & Descriptions Chapter Number
Physical description of Hero Chapter 1
Description of job history Chapter 4
Reference to past case (for series info) Chapter 10

The only drawback to this technique is interrupting the creative process.  I was stopping while writing to record the background info, etc.  I did this for a while, but that's when I found Technique 2 which I describe below.  That one worked better for me.  You can pick which one you would like better.

Because I work with a plot outline, I write the entire story going from scene to scene to scene in Scrivener.  I write using Day 1, Day 2, etc. instead of Chapters.  This allows me to carefully watch my storyline and timeline together.   Like I said above, I write the first draft and never look back.  (You see how I like to repeat things!)  I only re-read in order to "get my bearings" between writing sessions.

Technique 2:  Begin Tracking Background after first Draft:

I stopped interrupting myself during the draft writing stage and paid no real mind to the background and descriptions.  I added them as I was writing and kept moving.  Then, after the draft is done, I shift into reading for context, to make sure the story is all there and all the dots connect.

This is the point where I begin tracking and checking on the background and descriptive info.  This is the point where I made the table document and begin tracking the background and descriptions.  If I have repeated something -- and I always do -- I remove it in one of the chapters.

This way, you can keep track of all of the background and other crucial info that you need to track.  By putting it off until after the draft is finished, you prevent yourself from having to stop the creative writing process.

This is the technique I use now all the time.  I wait until I've even set up with Chapters and I'm reading for context.  That's where I start checking on the descriptions and background info and anything else I want to keep my eye out for.  Any repetition comes out easily in this stage.


This same technique works with writing a series.  I write each book as a stand-alone as well as being a numbered book in the series.  This means I have to include background information as well as series information in each of the novels, without spoiling the surprise if they read the novels out of order.  Some surprises can't be helped, but some can be hidden.

I make a list of all of the facts and background information the reader of Book 4 would need to read the stand-alone in context.  I print out this list and as I begin to read through the novel for context (after the draft is done), that's when I check off and make sure all of the needed information has been included throughout the book.

Writers Diary – Planning your Mystery Template

just keep writingIn my humble opinion, writing mysteries requires a bit more planning than a novel about other subjects.  You have to manage character arcs, crime arcs, clue dropping, red herrings, passage of time, as well as add pressure and suspense into the mix.  This is a lot for a new writer.

I found this overwhelming as I began writing back in 2018.  The two biggest tips I can pass on at this point are (1) write in Scrivener as you get a bird's eye view of your project all all times and (2) you need a template or an outline of some kind  to work from.


The main reason I've started this Writer's Diary is because I had searched and searched for writer's diaries online and never found anyone who was sharing their whole novel experience.  That's why I am doing this.  This is another one of the things I wish I had when I was new.  I still consider myself new, by the way.


In my first few novels, I would start off with a loosely-planned outline in order to give the characters space to organically develop. I had noticed within the first novel that the characters did develop their own voice and personalities.  I thought this open template would give me the leeway to let the novel sort of write itself.  It didn't.

In hindsight, I was too open-ended about how the story would end.  The characters would take on their own voice at some point in the story but because I had this loose outline, somewhere in Part 2 or Part 3, the story would start to veer off course.  As I got to Part 3, I would notice I was too far away from the ending of the story that I had planned originally.  But I wouldn't have any great ideas for a better ending either.  I would even forget what the original concept for an ending was.  Or I would look back and realize the story had veered too far away from a logical ending of the story or solving of the crime/mystery and I would need to go back and start rewriting.


What I found by about the sixth novel was that I can leave the beginning and middle of the outline very loose, but I need to know where I am ending the story.  I need to know how the crime will be solved, who the bad guy is, and how the clues will be dropped in order to manage the suspects, the red herrings and the suspense.

So I still keep my outline loose in the beginning sections but I make sure I know where I am heading, what corner I need to lead the bad guy into in order to wrap up the story.  This gives me more security while I'm writing.  It also helps me stay on course.


checkline and outlineThere have been times when a better story did strike me during the writing process.  I can go with the new direction, but I must alter my outline so that the new ending is the new destination.  I rewrite my outline of how it will end so I will have the self-confidence that I still know where I'm going.

This is a much more workable way to remain flexible but still have the boundaries and guard rails I need to write tight scenes and know where I am in the story.


I start by picking a crime.  My inspiration can be from a novel I'm reading, or a news article, an episode of Forensic Files, or sometimes they can be a combination of all of these.   I am beginning to think more like an author and am starting to envision crimes happening in strange places or interesting environments.


The most popular choices for heros/mystery solvers are police officers/detectives, private investigators, and amateur sleuths.  I chose a private investigator as my first protagonist as PIs are easier to write about because police procedure is very complicated these days and that would have been too much to take on as a new writer.

I pick a Protagonist/Hero based on a personality type I think I can write convincingly about.  If you are planning a series, you will want to give your Hero at least a few people that are anchors in his life.  This will also give you leeway if you need to come up with a second novel as the stories can come through people in his/her life as well as from working.

I will reveal my Template - Planning Your Mystery in our next writers diary installment and how I start organizing my mystery elements.


Make Things Easy on Yourself!

Download a Copy of the Mystery Template

Writers Diary – Pantser vs. Plotter


I was lucky when I started as I knew, without a doubt, that I was a plotter.  I don't write a letter without a short list of points I want to cover.  But this can be a choice that can help you not get lost in the overwhelming number of things you need to keep in mind for any novel.

I won't go into too much detail as there are hundreds of youtube videos about being a pantser and being a plotter by more experienced people than me.  But in one sentence, a pantser is someone who sits down and begins writing 'by the seat of their pants' without an outline or a template of any kind.  Steven Kind is a pantser.  Being a plotter means that you start with a template, and then an outline, and then begin writing the novel itself.

There are natural-born pantsers like Steven King, and if you are one of those, that should be your pathway.  However, my suggestion to a newbie writer, especially if you don't know if you are a pantser or plotter, is to  try to at least have a template and at least three-act play structure to keep you on track.


mystery-novel-templateThere are probably hundreds of templates out there for you to choose from.  If you search "writing template" at, you will find hundreds of them.  I incorporated several of them into my  own custom Mystery Template.   You can click here to download the template to have a look at it or use it.

This is the template I wound up using after at least a year of struggling with the other confusing templates.  In time, I began to use a template that was divided into four acts, so to speak, but I'll talk about that one next.



Writers Diary – Can’t Makes Sense of the Hero’s Journey


As a new writer, I watched hundreds of new writer videos and read any number of how-to articles.  Everyone referenced the Hero's Journey.  All the experts claimed that all stories fit within this template and this would keep a newbie on track.

For whatever reason -- maybe I'm thick or a simpleton -- I was not able to wrap my head around making a mystery romance story fit into a hero's journey template.  And believe me, I tried looking at it from ten different angles.  This was the first obstacle I came upon.  My first novel, which turned into a series, was about a private investigator who investigated mysteries but also had a character arc that had nothing to do with a quest or battling anyone.  To this day, I must confess, I still don't get the Hero's Journey.

Years ago before I even thought of writing, I watched a video series given by a writer and professor named Joseph Campbell whothe heros journey graphic first popularized this 'hero's journey'.  If I remember the series of talks correctly, his specialty or his great love was that of mythology.  Now, mythology, if I remember from my one course in school, was all based on quests and heroics of some sort.  So I do see how mythology fits into the hero's journey.  I just can't get how it pertains to crime mysteries, mystery romance or psychological mysteries.

Believe me, I tried so many times to reinterpret my stories into "The Hero's Journey" and I was never able to make it work.  I also tried to envision the hero's journey when I read other writer's fiction, and I didn't see a hero's journey in their works either.  At some point I did just give up with the hero's journey acknowledging that I must have a mental block about it.


During this same struggle, I also searched the internet high and low for a mystery writing template that didn't use the hero's journey, and although I found a few, they were still too esoteric in nature.  They all appeared to be built on the hero's journey in one way or another.  None of them mentioned the crime, clue dropping  or anything you commonly find in any mystery, mystery suspense, psychological mystery, or even cozy mysteries.

Now, eight novels later, I have made my own Writing a Mystery Novel Instructional as well as a Mystery Novel Template.  This is not being offered as any superior template, or even a workable template as I still consider myself too new of an author.  But I do offer these to others who find themselves trying to put square stories into the round holes of the Hero's Journey.  Maybe this can save you the frustration and hours of searching I wound up doing.  That is my purpose for this offer.

I don't have a nice graphic with a slueth's circle, but this Mystery Novel Template helps me get my thoughts organized.  I offer it as a #writerstool for newbies.  This is another "I wish I had it when I started" tool.

Click here to open and save the Mystery Suspense Template.

Writers Diary – First Day – Whys and Wherefores

groomed for marriage ebookMy pen name is R Shannon and I started writing in late 2019.  I self-published my first novel on KDP on 10/01/2020.  The name of it is Groomed for Marriage.

I am set to retire from many careers in February 2023 at which time I hope to devote myself more to giving back to the DIY Writing Community.  I learned everything I know today from the generous people who have shared their ideas, skills, and knowhow with the #writingcommunity on YouTube, their books, and their personal websites.

I have published 7 novels and am about to release my 8th book around August of 2022.  The purpose of this blog is to help other people who are just beginning too.  I have done HOURS AND HOURS of research and my hope is to save you some hours of research.

Most of what I'm sharing comes from other authors.  My contribution is to try in some way to organize the information in some curriculum so that a newbie can learn what they need for the process of writing to publication to self-marketing.

I started writing in Word, but the tool that launched me as a writer was Scrivener.  This is a reasonably-priced software that allows you to always have a bird's eye view of all that is happening.  It can also be used to do initial plotting, outlining, writing the book, and even marketing.  When I purchased it, it was $99 and it made all the difference in the world.


This is a screen shot from Scrivener during the initial of writing.  As you can see, I can keep track of new days, and chapters on the left-hand side, the writing itself is in the middle, and on the right hand side are various other tools, but this shot is showing the keywords. #writingtip


scrivener-keywordsFor this novel series, I use the keywords to allow me to name every relationship in the chapter.  Then at the end, I can select only one keyword and track the character arc and/or the action in that plot or subplot.  I didn't use keywords as a brand new writer, but I wish I knew this was a tool I could use.  It is so very helpful. #writingstrategies



Scrivener Tips for Beginner Authors



My plotting is done in Excel and then highlighted and taped together so I can see a bird's-eye-view of the entire story.   After I have a working plot, I then go to Scrivener to begin writing the story.


The video below is one that gives a new novelist, a true beginner, some tips that can help you with organizing your writing and keeping track of clues, background drops, character relationships and more.  This system can be customized to whatever you as a new author needs in terms of tracking.   For example, in my first novel, Groomed for Marriage, I dropped most background at least twice, and sometimes three times!  That's how I came up with a way to be able to keep track of it in it's own section in Scrivener.

I hope you enjoy the video.  If you have any suggestions for future videos about scrivener or anything else about "new authors", leave it below and I'll check it out.


Adding a Contact form with Recaptcha

Sick woman at work with headache

I started to get some spam through my website and it was all similar.  They were filling out the form for an advanced copy of one of my books, and then it had a weird message in another language.  It was most likely a bot, so the time has arrived for me to attach a recaptcha to my forms.

I had done this several years ago, but as usual, everything "updated" and my old instructions were useless.  So it took me about four hours to figure out how to add a recapture to a Contract 7 form and this blog post is an instructional on how to do it.


Recaptcha Picture Board
  1.  You need to add two plugins to your wordpress website.  Contact form 7 and Really Simple Capture.    As part of the Really Simple Capture, this should upload a temporary folder to your server entitled wpcf7_captcha and another one called wpcf7_uploads.  Photos of all of these are on the picture board above.
  2.  You will need to register your website with google to use a recaptcha, so go to and fill out the form to register your website.  More on this below in the actual instructions.  As part of this process you will get a Site Key and a Secret Key.  You will need to copy and paste these somewhere safe so you can retrieve them later.  You will also get a google recaptcha admin page link and you may want to record this too in case you want to watch and see what kind of bots it blocked from your site.  But that isn't crucial to get it to work.
  3. Now, somewhere along the line, I wound up being redirected to a website called for and had to pay to 'join' to use the captcha, but I am not sure if that is absolutely necessary.  It cost $24.00 for the year and I decided that I send enough emails and get enough traffic that a $24 service fee was more than reasonable, so I purchased it.  This may have happened to me because I was engulfed in a lot of confusion going from plugin to plugin and back to google captcha, so all I can say is good luck!.


  1. First, inside the back end of your wordpress website, click on the Loginizer Security and you will get a drop down list.  On the Dashboard page, you will need to enter the Loginizer License number and click 'update'.
  2. Then click on the Loginizer reCAPTCHA settings.  This is where you will add your Google keys, both of them.
  3. Then click on Contact on the left hand wordpress menu and you will get a pop out menu.  Choose integration.  When it opens, click on the second box that says reCAPTCHA and this will add your google keys automatically and that will hook up the Really Simple Captcha to the Contact form 7.


Here is where it got tricky and where I wound up going in circles for awhile.  The instructions are written for web developers and they assume you know a lot of things about hooking things up, which I don't know and you probably don't either.

So here are the instructions for fifth graders:

Once you have all the plugs ins installed, all your user keys inserted and integrated the form under Contact, then it should work without a hitch as long as you put the right short codes in.

The short code is this: [captchac captcha-170] [captchar captcha-170 4/4] This code will work without a problem.


If you want to read more about how it works, I had to visit all of these pages as I pieced together how it worked.

Contact Form 7 Recaptcha:

The following 'different' codes seem to change the css or other things, so if you want to experiment with them, here they are:

[captchac captcha-170]
[captchar captcha-170 4/4]
[captchac captcha-778 size:s fg:#ffffff bg:#000000]
[captchar captcha-778 4/4]
[captchac captcha-118 size:l fg:#00ff00 bg:#ffffff]
[captchar captcha-118 4/4]

Review – The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett

The Patron Saint of LiarsThe Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great book. It was fiction, but it had elements of psychological intrigue and pulls the reader through the story as you can't tell where the story is going -- but in a good way.

The characters were very real and the main character was not easily understood. I love stories that have the church or Catholicism as a backdrop and this one was not necessarily a Catholic story, but for anyone who grew up around nuns, it was one that had a nostalgia to it that was endearing.

The characters were not only real, but they had a bit of tragedy to them and this had a haunting effect throughout the read. It is a book that I won't forget.

Highly recommend.

View all my reviews

Review & Recommendation – The Templar Detective by J. Robert Kennedy

The Templar Detective (The Templar Detective Thrillers #1)The Templar Detective by J. Robert Kennedy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved Mr. Kennedy’s writing style and the time period this takes place in. I love books that have the church or Christianity as a backdrop, so this was right up my alley. It was a well-worked plot but yet it was very easy reading which is a delicate mix.

Highly recommend.

View all my reviews